Studio Classes


Studio Classes have resumed!

Studio and Online classes are Monday to Thursday. All studio classes are streamed for the ‘live’ audience who join from home/work/holiday.

“I am building in confidence and really enjoying the Yoga classes. Truly inspired by Rebecca’s teaching and feel week by week my practice improving, so pleased Yoga is part of my life.” 

Chris Moss

Get Started

“When I leave Rebecca’s pilates class I feel taller, stronger, and forget all the stresses of the day.  It’s sometimes tough, often a giggle and never gets boring.  If I hadn’t started after my 2nd baby I’d hate to think what shape I’d be in now!”

Vicky Rushton 

From Gentle Pilates to Kundalini Yoga, we have a class to suit everyone.

“Pilates’ a class I come way from feeling invigorated, stretched and alive.  It is an activity which it seems anyone can do, on all levels. Rebecca makes sure to explain clearly any movements and then makes sure they are carried out correctly, helping where necessary.  Rebecca is so friendly and welcoming which makes a lovely environment for each class, so much so I think I must try to do 2 a week instead of 1!”

Christine Harrison

Pilates and Yoga share many attributes and both contribute to living a healthier lifestyle, so what’s the difference?

Get In Touch

07855 390680
01539 232794

Find Us

Balance Studio
Staveley Mill Yard

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